Intravital imaging of lymphocyte interactions
We use 2-photon live imaging of immune cell interactions to understand the underlying dynamics of the germinal center reaction. Specifically we use 2-photon live imaging to understand how different subsets of T cells shape the germinal center reaction, both in primary and memory responses.
Unbiased characterisation using photoactivation
We use photoactivation of specific microanatomical niches to extract and phenotype the T cell subsets involved in the germinal center regulation.
Development of novel transgenic models
We develop novel transgenic mouse models to study how T cells shape the adaptive immune response.
Labelling interacting cells by LIPSTIC technology
We use a novel approach termed LIPSTIC (Labeling Immune Partnerships by SorTagging Intercellular Contacts) for labelling and analysing the germinal center resident T cell subsets.
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies
We use our understanding of the germinal center reaction to produce therapeutic monoclonal antibodies with enhanced features.